Saturday, April 26, 2014

Chapter 4 [B] : Building Doors


NK waited for Khushi to say something , and she did. But never in his wildest dreams had NK expected his chhoti to say something like that.
“Do I look like a wh*re right now Bhai ?”
“What ???”
“I’ll repeat myself. Do I look like a wh*re right now ?” Khushi’s face was absolutely expressionless.
“What the hell are you saying chhoti ? Are you out of your mind ??” NK was furious.
But Khushi didn’t react to his anger and instead continued with the same poker face.
“The clothes I am wearing right now….are they provocative or...or slutty ?”

Nikhil Kapoor never in his life had felt such rage at his dear little sister. In the past 10 years that they had know each other , it had always been silly little fights and chases but the anger he felt today was a first for him. He held Khushi by her shoulder shaking her.

“Stop ! Just stop Khushi ! Are you listening to what you’re saying ? How can you think…and say something like that ??”
Khushi jerked his hands off herself. “That is not what I think Bhai. That is what you cousin thinks !!” Khushi hissed. “Yesterday too I was wearing something like this. My worn out bugs bunny top which looked like nothing but a sack and a fu**ing pair of pink flowery pajamas ! How could he even think that i was a..."
NK closed his eyes in frustration. He knew Khushi needed time to sort herself out and she deserved it. He took a few deep breaths and spoke.
“Khushi each and every word you said is true , absolutely true. I wish I could change how things happened but I can’t. And all, I can tell you is that Arnav is really , genuinely sorry for his mistake. And he sincerely wants to apologize to you.” NK looked at Khushi who seemed to have calmed down again.
“His apology won’t make me forget the nightmare I went through.” Khushi said softly.
“But it’ll make you both feel better Chhoti. It’ll help you move on to some extent.” NK said stroking her hair again.
“I guess….but I need some time. I’m not ready to come face to face with him right now. Seeing him reminds me of…”
“Its alright chhoti. I understand. Take your time. I’ll talk to Arnav too.”
Khushi nodded.
They suddenly heard Garima calling them out for lunch. NK shouted in return that they were coming. Khushi got up and went to the washroom to wash her face. As she came out , NK opened the door of her room to head out , but suddenly stopped and turned to Khushi.
“One more thing Khushi , I hope you trust me that much to know that I love you very much. If Arnav is my cousin , then you also are my sister without being related by blood. If I care about him , I also care about you the same way and maybe more.”
For the first time in the past hour Khushi smiled, Genuinely. And nodded. “ I know Bhai. I know. ”


NK after having a delicious lunch and Hugging both Khushi and Garima , left and took the stairs instead of the lift to his floor.
Entering his apartment , he found Arnav in the living room.
They talked.
Arnav apologized and though NK was still angry with him , he calmly told him about his conversation with Khushi and how they should wait for the right time to which Arnav had simply nodded in agreement.
NK then remembered that Arnav hadn’t eaten anything since last afternoon and felt bad that he had had lunch at Khushi’s place when his cousin was must have been hungry.
Arnav denied being hungry at first but NK stubbornly ordered food from a nearby restaurant and made Arnav eat all of it.


Days passed with things getting slightly better. It had been 2 weeks since the fiasco had taken place.
Khushi was gradually moving on from the incident and had started looking for a job.
But on the other hand there was a huge change in Arnav that was noticed by NK. Arnav had completely stopped drinking. He went out for jogs regularly , when at home , he would just lie down in his room deep in thoughts . Arnav of course knew the reason behind this sudden change in him.
He felt restless. He wanted to meet Khushi and apologize. He had no idea why he felt so desperate. Of course , he had made a huge mistake , but why so much restlessness ? Khushi had told NK that she needed time….but it had been 2 weeks dammit !! Every day in the past 2 weeks he tried to be out of the apartment hoping to meet Khushi and that was also the reason why he avoided drinking . He just didn’t feel like drinking. And these days he had started feeling tired too. And thus most of the time he was able to get some sleep without consuming liquor .

Today , it was a Sunday and NK was home. He had forced Arnav to sit and watch a crappy hindi comedy movie which was so lame that Arnav had almost dozed off sitting on the couch.
NK looked at his cousin and sighed.
He had noticed the restlessness in Arnav. He was pleasantly surprised noticing the changes in Arnav. He now felt hopeful about his cousin. 
He had also been in constant contact with Khushi all these day…but they had somehow always avoided about talking about Arnav. Khushi he had observed was in a much better stated now….and he was happy that things were falling into place.

Suddenly , there was a knock on the door. He walked to the door and opened it , and was shocked to find Khushi standing there.

“Khushi ?” He didn’t hide the surprise in his voice.
“ Hi Bhai !! I…I have come here to talk .” Khushi said.
NK didn’t need to ask Khushi what or who she wanted to talk about and to.
He nodded and gestured her to come in. He saw her taking a deep breath as she walked in. Khushi entering was greeted by a shocked Arnav who was sitting on the couch,  looking at her with his mouth slightly open and eyes wide.
Khushi was instantly reminded the incident she had tried to block from her mind all these day and she dug her nails in her palms to control her breathing which seemed to be escalating with every passing second.
Arnav on the other hand was dumbfounded. He had been utterly desperate to meet her , but now that she really was in front of him he felt himself tongue tied. So many times , he had rehearsed in his mind about the things he would say to her as an apology , but they all simply swooshed out of his mind at this moment.
So he instead stood up , only to see her flinch and step back a little. He could see her trying hard to be brave but failing miserably. Her eyes were not making contact with him , and he wondered why. He was the one guilty here , then why was she looking down ?

“Khushi…” he started . “ I won’t harm you .” He was shocked to hear his own words. He should have said sorry first right ?
But his words made her eyes snap looking into his directly. And somehow it now looked calmer. He sighed and continued.
“ I have nothing to say in my defense. What I did was….inhuman. And I am genuinely sorry for my deed. I apologize to you for the hurt I have inflicted upon you…physically and mentally. I know there is no way I can make up for what I have done but I want you to punish me in any way you would like .” Arnav finally did what he had wanted to do from such a long time.
A heart-felt apology to a person he had wronged.
Khushi was silent. She didn’t know how she should react .
His words sounded true but more than that she was amazed at the sincerity in his eyes.
Arnav with bated breath waited for Khushi to say something….and felt nervous seeing her silence.
After all, how easy would it be for a girl to forgive her assaulter ?
Khushi took a deep breath before she spoke. “I forgive you. I…its…I don’t know why but I guess its because I want to move on and close that chapter of my life forever , never to revisit. And about the punishment , I am no one to punish you. You realize your mistake and are genuinely sorry….that’s sufficient." Khushi’s voice seemed tranquil yet stern.
Arnav let out the breath he was holding. He couldn’t believe it was done. Now what ?
“ I…thank you Khushi. I know its not easy for you but…I just…Thanks a lot.” Arnav was actually surprised at how smoothly it all went.
Khushi gave a small smile and nodded.
Both Arnav and Khushi felt as if a heavy weight was lifted off their hearts , making them feel at peace.
“ So now that its all fine…I think I should be going.” Khushi said .
“ Arre Nahi ! Not so easily. Now that all is well , ek cup chai toh banti hai ha ?” NK’s chirpy voice made them jump slightly. .
Both Arnav and Khush had completely forgotten about NK being in the room.
“ No bhai , I should get going now. Ma will be…”
“ Aunty won’t say anything and if she says something , tell her that you were with your NK Bhai !” NK said authoritatively. “I’m not hearing anything.”
Khushi sighed. “Achha fine.”
“That’s like a good girl.” NK grinned.
Arnav thought that Khushi might feel uncomfortable at his presence ,  so he decided to go to his room. He silently turned but was stopped by NK’s voice.
“And where do you think you’re going ?” Nk raised an eyebrow.
“ Uhh…I’m going to my room.” He said trying not to make his reason obvious.
“Oh c’mon Arnie my bro , Stay here for tea yaar. Me and khushi , we aren’t cannibals , so won’t eat you up. Right Khushi ?”  NK winked.
At Khushi’s nod , NK told them to sit on the sofa while he excused himself and went to the kitchen to make tea for them , not letting Khushi join him in the kitchen
He walked to the Kitchen dialing a number on his phone. He knew what an awkward situation he had created for the two people in his living room but he had to do it.
As soon as the person he had called answered , NK spoke.
“Step 1 – Completed !”


It has now become a ritual right ? Me being late in updating and apologizing , whining about being busy and stuff. But this time I have no excuse.
The reason for this delay was that I was having a hard time writing this. This chapter is very important and special for me .Only I know how many times I have written and deleted .
But I am extremely apprehensive about how it has turned out to be.

And also this chapter is like really, really long and I hope it has made up for the delay.


Chapter 4 [A] : Doing It Right


There are times in one’s life when he just doesn’t know what to do or how to react. 
Something similar was happening with Nikhil Kapoor , who was now standing , leaning on the railing of the terrace. The sun was up by now but the day was slightly windy and the atmosphere comparatively cooler than the other days.
NK ran a hand through his hair and closed his eyes thinking of the mess that had been created oh-so-beautifully by his cousin.

Arnav had shamefully narrated the entire incident to NK. How he had checked his phone , how the missed calls from a certain person had infuriated him , how he had ordered for a call girl and then misunderstanding Khushi to be the girl , he had impulsively attacked her.
NK had been livid when he came to know about it, but without uttering a word he had left the apartment because he knew if he would have been there for another moment , he would have punched Arnav then and there, and he so didn’t want something like that to happen. He needed to be alone for some time and think properly about the entire fiasco, and so he entered the lift , pushing the button for the top floor (11th floor) which was the terrace.
And now after about an hour , he still didn’t know what he , or Arnav was to do.
And Khushi. His little baby sister. What she must have gone through ! How traumatic it must have been for her !! A stranger assaulting her like that...! NK sighed , frustrated.
He knew Arnav deserved to be blasted and bashed and slapped and…but another fact that he knew was that Arnav was not a bad person. Had he known it was Khushi or any other girl , he would never have done what he did. But the main reason behind his action was that phone call. NK knew how uncontrollable Arnav always turned whenever she tried to contact him. Sheetal Verma.

But no ! That was not an excuse for what Arnav did. Intentionally or Unintentionally , he had committed a grave mistake and now it was his turn to rectify it.
So Even though NK was extremely upset with Arnav , he knew he couldn’t turn his back to Arnav. After everything that he had been through , he needed support and NK would always be there to provide a shoulder to his brother. He had seen the regret and shame in Arnav’s eyes when he had told him about what he did with Khushi.
Arnav had told him that he wanted to apologize to Khushi even though he knew that he did not deserve her forgiveness. But NK had asked him to not approach to Khushi so soon and give her some time, but he was determined to help Arnav in this.

Moving away from the railing , NK walked inside the building again. He was about to push the lift's button for his floor , but instead he pushed for the second floor button.
He needed to talk to Khushi first. Needed to know if she was fine….and if Shashi uncle and Garima aunty knew.

The door was opened by Garima. Her face lighted up with a warm smile as soon as saw NK standing there.
‘’Namaste Aunty !’’ NK greeted and bent to touch her feet , but she stopped and hugged him affectionately.
‘‘Namaste Beta ! And Why are you acting so formal with me huh ? Trying to butter me ? But let me be clear on this , I’m very very angry with you. Just because Khushi went to Mumbai to study , you forgot us nah ?’’ Garima said in a mock angry tone and folded her arms below her chest.
‘’Arrey no aunty its not like that. It was just that I have been really busy from the past few months and then I went to Chandigarh to meet mom and dad. How could you think I forgot you and Shashi uncle…you’re just like my parents to me.’’ NK said sincerely.
‘‘Okay, okay I was just joking…now come on in you !’’ Garima shook her head smiling as NK walked into the house.
‘‘Its been so long since you came here.’’ Garima said as she sat on the couch in the living room. ‘‘I actually told Khushi to invite you for lunch yesterday , but I guess that Pagli forgot !’’ Garima chuckled.
NK realized that Garima had no clue of what happened with Khushi yesterday. He sighed inwardly.
‘‘Erm…is Khushi home ? I wanted to talk to her.’’ NK said looking around in the house.
‘‘Oh…she is in her room doing god-only-knows what. Wait , I’ll call her.’’ Garima was just getting up but NK stopped her.
‘‘No , Its Okay, I’ll go to her room.’’ NK said.
‘‘Alright you go in. I’ll be in the kitchen preparing lunch. Call me if that pagli troubles you too much !’’ Garima said as she got up was strode to the kitchen.

NK slowly walked towards Khushi’s room mentally reminding himself of the things he would say to her. His baby sister.
NK knocked the door and heard a faint ‘‘Come in.’’ He opened the door and got inside the room to find Khushi standing in her room’s balcony .
Khushi turned and her face immediately beamed with a happy smile.
‘‘NK Bhai !’’ she sauntered towards him and hugged him tightly.
‘‘How’s my baby sister ?’’ NK stroked her hair affectionately.
‘‘Bhaaiii ! Stop calling me baby first ! I’m a grown up girl now!’’ Khushi pouted breaking the hug. ‘‘And secondly I am…fine.’’ Khushi hesitated before saying the last word and NK knew why she did.
NK sighed. Time to talk to Khushi.

Khushi precisely at that exact moment was reminded of the previous day and said before NK could utter a word. ‘‘Bha...Bhai...yesterday...i...i came to your apartment to…but…you weren't…there was some other guy...’’ she talked as she felt her breathing escalate at the thought of the incident.
NK saw how terrified she looked as she tried to speak . He held her by her shoulders and tried to calm her down.
‘‘Shh…shhh relax Khushi. It’s fine. Its Okay. I’m here to talk to you about that…just relax.’’
Khushi calmed down slightly and breathed deeply closing her eyes. She opened her eyes and saw NK standing there with an uncertain look in his eyes.
‘‘Come Khushi , lets sit and talk.’’ NK said and plopped himself on her bed.
Khushi nodded and sat beside NK crossing her legs as he started speaking.
‘‘Khushi….i know about it and…the person you….met in my house…was my cousin Arnav. You’ve met him once long back , I don’t know if you remember.’’
He paused to check her reaction, and the look on her face told him that she remembered him.
‘‘Khushi I….i haven’t come here to defend him..or…or give you an explanation for what he did. I know. I know what…he...did was absolutely vile and nasty...but….Khushi what I want you to understand is that , Arnav….he is not a bad person.’’ NK said in a single breath.
He waited for Khushi to react someway or say something but she remained silent , her face blank , not giving away anything.
After a couple of minutes she finally spoke.
‘‘What are you exactly trying to say ?’’
‘‘Khushi…I really don’t know what to say here. Arnav’s actions were nothing short of loathsome but….’’
Khushi’s eyes were suddenly filled with unadulterated fury as she heard NK trying to justify that despicable person.
‘‘But what ??’’ Her voice first came out as a whisper but as she spoke further her tone turned louder filled with contempt.
‘‘But what NK bhai ? Don’t tell me you’re here to give me a damned justification for you cousin’s…what did you just call it ? ahh…ACTIONS !! That was not an action ! That was Sexual Harassment !! Do you understand ??’’ Khushi was on her feet now. Her eyes spitting fire.
 NK stood up and tried to calm Khushi down. ‘‘Khushi…listen to me first…I’m not justifying him…I am…’’
‘‘NK bhai, I didn’t expect this from you ! You consider me as your sister don’t you ? But what you do when your cousin sexually assaults me? You come to me and bloody defend that cousin of yours !!!’’ Her orbs teared up by the time she stopped speaking.
She slumped down on the floor and started sobbing. NK’s heart ached seeing her condition.
He hugged her tightly. ‘‘I’m sorry chhoti. I’m…I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to hurt you.’’ NK whispered as he stroked her back.

Thankfully Garima was in the kitchen that was which was at the other end of the apartment and thus she couldn’t hear the commotion in Khushi’s room.

Sometime later as her sobs came to a halt Khushi , broke the hug and once again , a blank look shadowed her face.

‘‘Khushi…just listen to me once. Just once listen to what I have to say and then decide how you want to go about it. Ok ?’’ NK asked hesitantly.
At Khushi’s slight nod NK proceeded.
‘‘Khushi , Arnav…he isn’t fine. I…I can’t tell you what it is…but…but he has suffered a lot a lot in his life. And that day...he was disturbed. ’’
Khushi’s opened her mouth to retort but then decided to keep silent and listen.
‘‘I know that does not justify his actions…not at all. But my point is that…Arnav is not the vile person that he portrayed himself to be yesterday. I know him right from our childhood and he has been living in my house from the past 3 months. I’m saying this not as a brother , but as a person who knows his brother inside out . And I can bet my life on the fact that my brother might not be a saint , but he ain’t a rapist either.’’
NK paused for a few seconds , taking in a deep breath he spoke again.
‘‘And….another thing….he…that day he actually misunderstood you.’’
‘‘Misunderstood me ?’’ Khushi's face scrunched in confusion.
“He…thought you were a….Harlot.” NK sighed at the end.
Khushi’s eyes widened hearing that. He had thought she was a prostitute ??
Khushi then covered her face with her palms.
Did she feel better hearing NK’s words ?

The answer was No ! 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Scraps of Past - I

12th September 1993

She tightly held the tiny little hand of the child who was clueless about why there was this sudden chaos in his uncle’s house.
Ranta Singh Raizada, Arnav’s paternal aunt who loved Arnav like her own son felt helpless today. The tiny 5 year old was asking him why suddenly everyone in the house – Amar chachu , Akash Bhai, Dadaji , Dadiji seemed so hysterical. 
What could Ratna answer ? How could she answer his innocent queries ? How was she to tell him that his parents, who left him at his uncles’s house and had gone to attend a marriage ceremony were never returning? How could she tell that 5 year old that he was orphaned ? Just how ??
Her husband had left for the police station for body identification.
Just a few minutes back they had received a call from the police and were informed about the crash that took place near RK Puram. Arnav’s parents’ car had crashed with a much bigger and out of control car that was being driven by a drunk man. Both Avinash and Sakshi Singh Raizada had died on the spot due to head injuries along with the driver of the other car.
When the police came, they found three dead bodies. They had traced Amar’s residence number from a diary that was found in Avinash’s pocket and had called him thereafter.
The house had been a wreck after that. Devyani Singh Raizada had broken down, mourning for her beloved son and daughter in law. Her husband, Vishwanath Singh Raizada just sat there on the sofa holding his head in his palm , not uttering a word.
A 12 years old Akash sat beside his dadi trying to calm her down.
All were too busy to look at the 5 year old who was still unsure of the sudden change in the atmosphere of the house. All except Ratna . She looked at the child with glistening eyes and hugged him tightly.
‘What happened Chachi ?’ Why is everyone so sad ?’ Arnav asked.
Ratna didn’t answer the real question , instead she wiped her eyes. A determination glinted in her brown orbs as she spoke – ‘Arnav , I am not chachi , but your Ma from today on wards.’
Everything else would be handled later , but Arnav must know that he hadn’t lost his parents.


11th June 2000

‘Ma ! Ma ! I won ! I won the first place in science exhibition!’ A 13 year old Arnav spoke excitedly.
Ratna smiled , elated at her son’s success.
‘I’m so proud of you beta! My son is the best.’ She hugged him.
Arnav’s eyes were filled with happiness as he hugged his mother back.
Breaking the hug , Arnav asked . ‘Ma , will Baba be proud of me too? Will he accept me as his son this time and love me like he loves Akash bhai?’ His eyes were brimming with hope.
Ratna’s smile faded as soon as she heard him. But she forced her face to keep the smile intact. ‘Beta he loves you and he’ll also be very proud of you when he gets to know about your success.’
‘Ma you don’t have to lie. I know he doesn’t like me at all. But I hope he someday starts loving me.’ Arnav said, his face etched with sadness.
‘Don’t worry my baccha !! You’re such a nice boy. How can one not love you? I’m sure your chachaji will also come around.’ Ratna tried to reassure the kid.
But Ratna knew whatever she said was a lie. A Big Lie.
After Arnav’s parents’ demise , she had decided that she would be a mother to Arnav forever and had expected the same from Amar, but he had shocked the entire family saying that he didn’t want to take Arnav’s responsibility. Amar had always been a bit cold towards his nephew. He didn’t show it in front of his family but it hadn’t gone unnoticed by Ratna. She also knew the reason.
Amar was extremely jealous of his older brother Avinash.
Avinash was an extremely hard working and intelligent businessman , the reason why their father trusted him more than Amar when it came to business matters.
Amar therefore had somewhat distanced himself from his father and brother and his family.
And after his brother’s death he had cold heartedly denied letting Arnav live in their house and had decided to send him off to a boarding school.
But he was rigorously opposed by his parents, wife and even his son Akash, and he had to give up at last. If nothing , it had turned his attitude towards Arnav colder. And not only that , Amar had then also turned indifferent towards his own family.

Arnav although was just 5 when his parents died , but he had taken his own time to come in terms with the fact. Ratna’s motherly love and his grandparents and brother’s moral support had help him a lot to come out of his misery.
Arnav never understood why Amar behaved so unwelcomingly with him and listening to his Ma , he tried to stay away from him but a part of him always wanted to feel that fatherly love that he witnessed between Amar and Akash.
Arnav worked very hard and always succeeded in everything. He hoped to make Amar proud but he had not once acknowledged the child’s efforts.
The only thing Arnav was grateful to Avinash for was that he had allowed Arnav to call him Baba much to his own dislike and his parents’ insistence.


Arnav’s childhood and teenage years passed by in the same way.

Always getting a cold shoulder from the person he considered as his father…and unconditional love and support from his mother , brother and grandparents.

I can't express how sorry i am being so late in updating. I know i had promised that i would update after 17th and here i am updating 2 weeks later. My apologies for the delay. I'll try not to do this again. Really sorry people. Hope you'll all forgive me for this :(

Anyways , about this update , Okay i have decided that i'll not include the past of Arnav and Khushi in the chapter , and instead i'll keep posting these short 'Scraps of Past' after every 2 or 3 chapter till i come clear with their pasts. 
The next chapter will be updated within the next 2-3 days.

Once again really sorry for all the delay.
Love you all !!
Muahhzz !